How to Find the Jewelry Color Trends for Fall and Winter 2007 – 2008

Раздел: Новости на английском
10 октября 2007 г.

With the changing seasons we look to the coming color palates to see what is new and exciting for jewelry trends. Well there is good news and then there is great news. The good news for jewelry lovers is the expected lovely warm colors are coming in jewelry design and the great news is there is celebration of our beloved favorite jewelry tones as well.

There is much to celebrate with the upcoming fall and winter season in jewelry trends with an explosion of colors for the cold weather wardrobe to lift the spirits, so it will be a hot season for lovers of jewelry.

The most surprising color trend for the fall & winter 2007 — 2008 season is yellow — generally the color we connect to bring sunny times — but as a way to challenge the closed in winter days yellow is coming to brighten up our daily lives. Refreshing gemstones like citrine, yellow topaz, amber, and chrysoberyl and simulated canary diamond jewelry, topaz glass beads and the cubic zirconia substitutes will keep you on top of seasonal jewelry trends.

A great counter point color for yellow is the ever popular shades of purple that will be highlighted this fall & winter 2007 — 2008 jewelry designs with complimenting tones of pink. So pink diamonds, amethyst, pink topaz, rose quartz, fluorite and rhodonite gem stones as well as pink pearl jewelry will all be bringing love and balance into our fashion jewelry wardrobes.

Another hot pick for your fall and winter jewelry wardrobe is the ever popular color blue with it staying in style to make all us lovers of blue happy. So look for jewelry designs with sapphires, lapis lazuli, blue jade, aquamarine, blue topaz, turquoise, blue opals, blue moonstones, as well as the handmade lampwork beads in blue and the blue cubic zirconia tones. The range of shades of blue will let you match the best ones for you.

The popular fall & winter 2007 — 2008 color trends also include the favorite and classic black. It is a wardrobe favorite with how easy it is to wear and never really goes out of style. In the world of jewelry black is showcased to its best effect with jet, black onyx, black diamonds and black pearls.

Keeping with traditional favorites with the fall & winter 2007 — 2008 color trends the perennial hues of pumpkin, silky gray, chocolate brown will have you in style and on trend. So look to tiger`s eye, smoky quartz, cinnabar, or even the simulated champagne diamonds and substitute cubic zirconia and you will remain on top of the seasonal jewelry trends with your jewelry wardrobe favorites. Simply match your much loved jewelry with new season jewelry pieces.

So for the fashion conscious consumer having the perfect accessories with your upcoming fall & winter 2007 — 2008 jewelry designs has never been easier. The trick is to pick classic design that will stand the test of time. Whether the fashion jewelry has genuine gemstones or handcrafted beads you can enjoy classic design that never really goes out of style. There will always be some colors that are hotter than others but we all have our own style and can pick and choose from the jewelry tones what suits us best, that make us shine, including matching our old favorites.

Belinda Stinson writes about fashion, jewelry and weddings for Creatively Belle and Jewelry Display Stands.

Creatively Belle offers a wide selection of bridal jewelry and pearl wedding jewelry as well as great gift ideas at

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