New Trade Show in Vietnam Arouses International Interest

Раздел: Новости на английском
02 января 2008 г.

For the first time, an international jewelry trade show will be held in Vietnam this spring. The two-day trade show – International Jewelry Vietnam (IJV 2008) – will be held on May 2-4. The show is already arousing interest; in the first ten days since the launch, 48% of the 180 booths have been reserved by 52 applicants from 14 countries.

The show’s organizers are presenting Vietnam as a new and growing market for international jewelers: “There is no other place in the world that has such vast, untapped potential in luxury goods and towards the elimination of import duties on all products to achieve the eventual objective of an ASEAN free trade area by the year 2010."

Vietnam is a member of the ASEAN organization which unites Southeast Asian countries including Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.

The trade show, which is to take place at Ho Chi Minh City, is expected to address the rapid growth and business opportunities in Vietnam and neighboring countries including a new, largely unpenetrated luxury products sector. Retailers, private collectors and buyers from departments stores are expected to attend the show.

Click here for more information about the IJV 20 trade show.

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